
Fight 4 Cure Inc adheres to standards that reflect our commitment to public accountability and complies with IRS tax-exempt public inspection requirements. We appreciate all donations to Fight 4 Cure Inc. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Updated IRS Determination Letter), your donations are deductible as a charitable contribution.

Charity Ratings

We are proud to be recognized by organizations that monitor charities:


Fight 4 Cure Inc has earned GuideStar USA’s Platinum Seal of Transparency; the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, which includes more than 1.8 million IRS-recognized organizations. By providing information that highlight the progress we are making to achieve our mission, we’re helping you, our donors, directly see the impact your donations are making to move our organization forward. We are committed to transparency and giving you, our donors, and funders meaningful data to evaluate our performance.

Also, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, GuideStar and Charity Navigator released the following “The Overhead Myth” so that donors can make a charitable giving decision based on the whole picture.

Form 990 (PDF format)